
(CLEVELAND, OH – 3/20/25) – The Cleveland and North Ohio office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today said it is appalled by the Trump administration’s recent closure of many of the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) regional offices.
In Cleveland, the Department of Education’s regional office, which housed the OCR, was closed last week as part of these cutbacks.
On Nov. 12 of last year, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) opened the Title VI Complaint made by CAIR-Ohio against Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) for federal investigation.
The complaint filed by CAIR-OHIO in July, detailed the university’s bias and hostility against students protesting for Palestine, including, but not limited to failure to address harassment, and unequal disciplinary actions against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students.
This news comes as CWRU recently arrested 11 students- a move that many believe was due to their Palestine advocacy.
CAIR-Ohio also filed two other Title VI Complaints amidst the increased acts of discrimination against Muslim, Arab and Palestinian students. In the Fall of 2024, CAIR-Ohio filed complaints against the Beachwood School District and Columbia Station School District.
OCR Complaint Against Beachwood School District
CAIR-Ohio, in conjunction with CAIR-Michigan, hosted two Title VI Webinars with Cleveland’s OCR in 2024 and in 2025.
President Trump is expected to sign an executive order directing Education Secretary Linda McMahon to facilitate the closure of the Department of Education and transfer educational authority back to the states. This action would require congressional approval which has not yet been finalized.
Executive Director Faten Odeh of CAIR-Cleveland and Northern Ohio said:
“The Trump Administration has demonstrated once again that the American people do not matter and are not a priority in this administration. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights was created to protect students. There are many ways to reduce government spending, like funding foreign genocides and wars that we have no business in financially contributing to but instead of taking care of our own, our government has decided to harm the American people. We can no longer rely on the federal government to do its job. Thousands of Americans are now left with uncertain futures for their livelihoods, for their families and for their futures. Shame on President Trump.”
Nationwide, the department has reduced its workforce by nearly half, laying off approximately 1,300 employees, including those in the Cleveland office.
The Guardian
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
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CONTACT: CAIR-OH Executive Director, Cleveland & Northern Ohio, Faten Odeh (216) 440-2247,

CAIR-OH, Coalition Partners Succeed in Defeating Anti-Free Speech Bill

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(CLEVELAND, OH – 12/19/24) – COLUMBUS, OH – CLEVELAND, OH – December 19, 2024 – Today, after statewide efforts to protect Free Speech in Ohio, CAIR-OH, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), OPAWL, the ACLU and other coalitional partners celebrate the defeat of the attempt to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism in Ohio Law.

During the press conference on December 12th, CAIR-Ohio leadership, including Executive Directors Faten Odeh and Khalid Turanni, articulated their concerns and outlined the steps the organization intends to take to challenge the bill. Additionally, during the first hearing in front of the judicial committee, Faten Odeh and Khalid Turanni provided opposing testimony, further emphasizing their disapproval of the bill.

CAIR-OH and Coalitional partners from around Ohio gathered in the Ohio State House Rotunda on Tuesday, December 17th, demanding that their representatives vote no on the anti-free speech bill that criminalizes anti-Israel speech. During this gathering, they called their representatives urging them to vote no, and protect their civil freedoms.

CAIR-OH sent out two action alerts, which resulted in over 2000 emails being sent to representatives in the Ohio State House demanding them to vote no on both SB 297 and HB 315, as well as hundreds of phone calls directed towards the state senators’ offices.
Testimonies were also given by constituents from around the state of Ohio following a call to mobilize.

Watch CAIR-Cleveland & North Executive Director’s Testimony
Executive Director Faten Odeh of CAIR-Cleveland and Northern Ohio said:

“Let it be known with unwavering resolve: any attempt to suppress our freedom of speech will be met with the relentless advocacy of CAIR-Ohio and our steadfast coalition partners, united by the unshakable principles of justice and human rights. This victory stands as a powerful testament to the indomitable human spirit—a collective triumph over those who would silence our voices against the atrocities inflicted upon innocent civilians, funded by our own U.S. tax dollars. We will not rest until Ohio’s state laws embody the will of the people they are meant to serve—representing Ohioans, not the interests of a foreign government.”

Watch CAIR-Columbus & Cincinnati Executive Director’s Testimony
Executive Director Khalid Turanni of CAIR-Columbus and Cincinnati said:

“Today, the First Amendment triumphed, and those who sought to erode our freedom of speech to shield Israeli war crimes were defeated. Together with our allies—Jewish Voice for Peace, the ACLU, Students for Justice in Palestine, and others—CAIR Ohio stood firm in defense of the U.S. Constitution and against legislative overreach. This victory is a testament to the power of collective action. Congratulations to all who stood up for our fundamental rights!”


Jewish Voice for Peace- Cleveland member, Sean Abbot-Klafter stated:

“Today is a great day for the Constitution! Ohio lawmakers stood strong against a small group of fringe activists who attempted to quietly eliminate the right to free speech for all Ohioans. In the face of this attack, Ohio lawmakers affirmed their belief that the government shouldn’t control the thoughts and speech of its citizens. We applaud their courage and look forward to their continued defense of the constitution.”

Human Rights Watch recently published a report today, ” Extermination and Acts of Genocide,” summarizing the acts of Israel to Gaza in which has allowed the International Court of Justice and Amnesty International to deem a genocide.
Read Report Here

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

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CONTACT: CAIR-OH Executive Director, Cleveland & Northern Ohio, Faten Odeh (216) 440-2247,; , Khalid Turaani, Executive Director, CAIR-OH, Columbus | Cincinnati | Dayton, (614) 401-6692,


(CLEVELAND, OH – 12/13/24) – COLUMBUS, OH – December 11, 2024 – On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, in response to the recent passage of Senate Bill 297 (SB 297) by the Ohio Senate, CAIR-Ohio hosted a press conference at the Ohio Statehouse to voice opposition to the bill’s passage. The bill, which conflates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, was passed with a 27-4 vote and has raised significant concerns regarding its impact on First Amendment rights.

During the press conference, CAIR-Ohio leadership, including Executive Director Faten Odeh and Khalid Turanni, articulated their concerns and outlined the steps the organization intends to take to challenge the bill. Additionally, during the first hearing in front of the judicial committee, Faten Odeh and Khalid Turanni provided opposing testimony, further emphasizing their disapproval of the bill.

“While the bill (SB297) claims to protect against bigotry, a cause we all support, it instead dangerously undermines our fundamental rights to free speech and political decent. This bill conflates legitime criticism of Israeli government politics with hatred, we all support addressing bigotry, but this bill misses that worthy target and instead advances a dangerous practice, recategorizes criticism of genocide and apartheid, under the guise of combatting bigotry. ” – Executive Director Faten Odeh of CAIR- Cleveland & Northern Ohio


Executive Director Khalid Turanni of CAIR-Columbus and Cincinnati states: “So this is not a debate about Anti-Semitism, this is a debate of free speech. As offensive as it may be it is legal in Ohio to burn the American flag, your bill will make it illegal to burn the flag of another country. …. ”


CAIR-Ohio also took the opportunity to express gratitude towards the four senators who voted against SB 297, acknowledging their commitment to protecting civil liberties and the importance of free speech in a democratic society.

“We are thankful for the senators who stood up for the First Amendment and voted against SB 297. Their courage in the face of significant pressure exemplifies the dedication needed to safeguard our constitutional rights,” said a spokesperson for CAIR-Ohio.

71 written testimonies and more than 15 oral testimonies comprised of members from the ACLU, JVP, OPAWL, Cleveland Peace Action, the Muslim community, the Jewish Community and members of the Christian faith including the United Church of Christ.


Jewish Voice for Peace- Cleveland member, Robin Beth Schaer stated, “We must all be free to critique the policies and actions of any government, Israel included. The definition of antisemitism in the Jerusalem Declaration asserts: the same norms of debate that apply to other states and to other conflicts over national self-determination apply in the case of Israel.” Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are different and equating or using them interchangeably distracts from the actual work of dismantling antisemitism.”


CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

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CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & Northern Ohio Executive Director Faten Odeh,, 216-830-2247, CAIR-Ohio, Columbus & Cincinnati Executive Director Khalid Turaani,, (614) 451-3232


(CLEVELAND, OH, 11/13/24) – The Cleveland & Northern Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) today welcomed a federal probe of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) allegedly targeting and intimidating students involved in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Yesterday, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced that it has opened a formal investigation into discrimination against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students at Case Western Reserve University.


CAIR-Ohio previously filed a Title VI Complaint against Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)

This complaint filed by CAIR-OHIO in July, details the university’s bias and hostility against students protesting for Palestine, including, but not limited to failure to address harassment, and unequal disciplinary actions against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students.

While OCR looks into all the complaints it receives, it only opens a formal investigation when it determines the facts warrant a deeper look. OCR will examine whether CWRU’s actions complied with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

SEE: Title VI Complaint Against Case Western Reserve University
Executive Director of CAIR- Cleveland & North, Faten Odeh stated, “We are pleased to receive notification that our Title VI Complaint we filed on behalf of Case Western Reserve University students has been opened for investigation by the Office of Civil Rights. Institutions of education have a duty to protect students when it comes to safety and their rights no matter what their national origin, their faith or their political beliefs.”

The attorney who represents the students, Maryam Assar, stated:

“We welcome this investigation into Case Western’s discriminatory conduct against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students that the administration has not ceased since this complaint was filed several months ago. Indeed, this is the rule of law and civil rights working as they should—to protect these targeted students, who like all other Case students, have the right to a safe and nondiscriminatory learning environment.”

In 2022, the Undergraduate Student Government voted in favor of a resolution which encouraged the university to investigate how its funds are invested in Israeli companies, the Case Western Reserve Observer reported. Since the fall of 2023, students have reported to CAIR-Ohio increased push-back and hostilities from the university including banning them from campus, prohibiting them from attending their own graduations and withholding some law degrees.

Law student and Legal Assistant, Shatha Shahin, stated:

“President Kaler has to decide between complying with federal law and protect students’ rights or yield to external pressure from donors and politicians. Case Western Reserve University must respect students’ rights to protest, especially when those protests address the university’s investments in weapons technologies and industries undeniably linked to the occupation of Palestine. For too long, anti-Palestinian racism has gone unaddressed at CWRU. We hope this investigation will bring these issues to light and validate the resilience of students facing repressive rules intended to harass, intimidate, and threaten those protesting against genocide. As always, free Palestine!”

CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.

Do you like reading CAIR press releases and taking part in our action alerts? You can help contribute to CAIR’s work of defending civil rights and empowering American Muslims across the country by making a one-time contribution or becoming a monthly donor. Supporters like you make CAIR’s advocacy work possible and defeating Islamophobia an achievable goal. Click here to donate to CAIR Cleveland & North.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & North Executive Director Faten Odeh,, 216-440-2247; CAIR National Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell, 404-285-9530,; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726,; CAIR National Communications Manager Ismail Allison, 202-770-6280,

CAIR-Ohio Welcomes Mayor of Salon’s Statement on Anti-Muslim Petition

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(Cleveland, OH, 10/2/24) – The Ohio chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-OH) welcomes the Mayor of Salon, Edward H. Kraus’ statement denouncing hate against the Chagrin Valley Islamic Center (CVIC).
The petition was created by a Solon resident currently serving overseas in the Israeli military. The petition’s goal was to halt activities from the mosque.
Mayor Kraus’ stated, “An attack on one faith is an attack on all.” “As the proud Jewish Mayor of this city, I am deeply troubled by a recent petition that casts a negative light on the Chagrin Valley Islamic Center (CVIC). The CVIC has been a wonderful addition to the rich tapestry of faiths that make up our community.”
CAIR-Ohio Cleveland, Executive Director, Faten Husni Odeh stated, “The incitement of hatred for the Muslim community by misconstruing the words of individuals and attempting to shut down the only place of worship for Muslims in Solon is un-American as it is our First Amendment right to freedom of religion. CAIR-Ohio welcomes Mayor Kraus’s act of unity against all forms of bigotry.”
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. CAIR-Ohio has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
Do you like reading CAIR press releases and taking part in our action alerts? You can help contribute to CAIR’s work of defending civil rights and empowering American Muslims across the country by making a one-time contribution or becoming a monthly donor. Supporters like you make CAIR’s advocacy work possible and defeating Islamophobia an achievable goal. Click here to donate to CAIR.
You are receiving this email due to your interest selection from commercial media databases. If you would like to join CAIR’s media list, please sign up here: — For more information, email:, CC
CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & Northern Ohio Executive Director Faten Odeh,, 216-830-2247


(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/30/2024) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today urged all institutions of higher education and K-12 schools to protect anti-genocide students as National Bullying Prevention Month begins October 1.
As the anniversaries of the October 7 attacks and the start of the genocide in Gaza approaches, the organization urges schools to be aware of their legal obligations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) to provide all students, including students who are or are perceived to be Palestinian, Arab, or Muslim, a school environment free from discrimination based on race, color, or national origin.
The First Amendment also prohibits “viewpoint discrimination” – government action, which includes action by public university officials, that burdens or suppresses speech based on viewpoint.
“Bullying against Muslim students has been a long-standing issue,” said CAIR Research and Advocacy Director Corey Saylor. “But the worst bullies today are the schools, colleges, and universities that have decided to meet peaceful protest and calls for human rights by Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, and other anti-genocide students with police violence, discrimination, and harassment.”
He noted that earlier this month, CAIR designated Columbia University and the University of Texas at Austin as “institutions of particular concern” due to their hostile treatment of anti-genocide protesters. This follows an initial designation of George Washington University, the University of California Los Angeles, and Emory University in August.
SEE: CAIR Designates Columbia, UT Austin as ‘Institutions of Particular Concern’ Due to Mistreatment of Anti-Genocide Voices
SEE: CAIR, ADC Designate GWU, UCLA, and Emory as “Institutions of Particular Concern” Following Targeting of Anti-Genocide Student Protesters
Saylor said CAIR encourages any students experiencing discrimination and/or harassment to report it to our offices and to consult the following guides for resources and information on your rights.
SEE: CAIR’s Guide Against Bullying and Bias in Schools: Practical Steps for Youth and Their Families
SEE: Guidance for Students Targeted in Response to Palestine Rights Advocacy
For almost a year, students at universities, colleges, and K-12 schools have faced racial, religious, and ethnic discrimination, as well as targeting from their own instructors and administrators, while protesting the continued genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
In August, CAIR launched its Unhostile Campus Campaign, a project aimed at fostering a campus environment where Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Jewish, and other students, faculty, and staff opposing the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza enjoy free speech and academic freedom without facing state force or university discipline for their viewpoints.
In 2023, CAIR received a total of 921 education-related complaints, which includes bullying and education discrimination, a 219% increase over the previous year. In 2024, 84% of Muslim students in higher education or in a trade/vocational program reported experiencing religious discrimination in the last year, according to the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.
SEE: Hostile: How Universities Target Anti-Genocide Protesters While Enabling Anti-Palestinian Racism and Islamophobia
SEE: CAIR-NY: Feeling the Hate In Our Schools
SEE: New CAIR-CA Report Shows Muslim Students Are Bullied at Twice the National Average
SEE: ISPU: American Muslims, Especially Students, Most Likely to Experience Religious Discrimination
The organization encourages all university and school administrators to review the recommendations released in its “Hostile” report, which finds over thirty universities and colleges reportedly complicit in suppressing, silencing, or otherwise targeting anti-genocide students, particularly those who are Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim. Recommendations include properly investigating incidents of discrimination and/or harassment against Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students, such as attacks on students for wearing religious and cultural signifiers like head scarves and keffiyehs. It also urges all administrators to refuse false conflations of legitimate political speech, such as criticizing the state of Israel or asserting Palestinians’ right to self-determination, with hate speech or calls for violence.
CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
CONTACT: CAIR Research and Advocacy Director Corey Saylor, 202-384-8857,; CAIR National Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell, 404-285-9530,; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726,; CAIR National Communications Coordinator Ismail Allison, 202-770-6280,


Cleveland, OH – September 28, 2024 – CAIR-Ohio hosted a Community Resource Fair in celebration of National Muslim Voter Registration Day on September 17th. The event, held in the parking lot next to Levant Shawarma on Lorain Avenue, brought together local vendors, organizations, and community members for an afternoon of family fun, engagement, and civic empowerment. Some of these vendors included One Ummah Initiative, Cleveland Public Library, Crafty Queen, League of Women Voters and more!
Attendees enjoyed a variety of activities, including a bounce house for children, food from local vendors, and a free raffle with exciting prizes. The event provided an opportunity for the community to connect with local services, learn about voter registration, and engage with supportive organizations working to empower the Muslim community.
“We are incredibly grateful to all the vendors and organizations that participated, as well as to everyone who came out to support this important day,” said Jenna Muhieddine, CAIR-Ohio GOTV Coordinator and event organizer. “Events like these help build stronger, more informed communities. When we come together, we can make real change.”
The resource fair was part of CAIR-Ohio’s ongoing efforts to mobilize Muslim voters and promote civic engagement. With National Muslim Voter Registration Day serving as a focal point, CAIR-Ohio emphasized the importance of voting and being active in shaping local and national policies.
Special thanks are extended to all the vendors, community partners, and volunteers who made the event a success. The overwhelming turnout reflects the growing power of the Muslim community in Cleveland and beyond.

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. CAIR-Ohio has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & North Executive Director Faten Odeh,, 216-440-2247.

CAIR-Cleveland Condemns Distribution of Racist Flyers on YSU Campus

Posted by: cairclev Tags: There is no tags | Categories: News


(CLEVELAND, OH, 9/27/2024) – The Cleveland office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Cleveland) today condemned the distribution of racist flyers on the campus of Youngstown State University.
The fliers were from a known white supremacy group and included racist remarks. Campus police are investigating the incident.
“We condemn the distribution of this hateful propaganda and thank campus police for taking this incident seriously,” said CAIR-Cleveland Executive Director Faten Odeh. “We urge students of all backgrounds to continue resisting this intimidation and stand together to repudiate messages of hate.”
CAIR and the American Muslim community stand in solidarity with all those challenging antisemitism, systemic anti-Black racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, white supremacy, and all other forms of bigotry.
CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
Do you like reading CAIR press releases and taking part in our action alerts? You can help contribute to CAIR’s work of defending civil rights and empowering American Muslims across the country by making a one-time contribution or becoming a monthly donor. Supporters like you make CAIR’s advocacy work possible and defeating Islamophobia an achievable goal. Click here to donate to CAIR.
You are receiving this email due to your interest selection from commercial media databases. If you would like to join CAIR’s media list, please sign up here: — For more information, email:, CC
CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & North Executive Director Faten Odeh,, 216-440-2247; CAIR National Deputy Director Edward Ahmed Mitchell, 404-285-9530,; CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726,; CAIR National Communications Manager Ismail Allison, 202-770-6280,


(Cleveland, OH, 9/18/24) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations is partnered with the Arab American Voter Project (AAVP) and the Arab Americans of Cleveland Young Professionals Network (AAC) to host the first State and Local Candidates Town Hall for the Muslim and Arab communities Thursday, September 12.
The forum, held at La Villa Conference and Banquet Hall, provided an opportunity for congressional candidates to engage with the Muslim and Arab communities and for those communities to ask questions important to their communities of the candidates.
The event host was Director of Public Relations and Outreach of the Islamic Society of Akron and Kent and former president of Students for Justice in Palestine at Kent State University (KSU), Yaseen Shaikh and the moderator was Marwa Ghumrawi, the Director of Operations and Communications at the Washington Center for Yemeni Studies and board member of AAC.
All local and state candidates running in races across Cleveland and northern Ohio were invited to speak at the event. The candidates who did accept the invitation were Chris Glassburn (D) candidate for Ohio State House District 15, Sean Brennan(D) incumbent candidate for Ohio State House District 14, David Morgan(R) candidate for Ohio State District 14, Tristan Rader (D) candidate for Ohio State District 13, Judge Lisa Forbes (D) running for Ohio Supreme Court, by proxy incumbent candidate Judge Michael P. Donnelly (D) running for Ohio Supreme Court, Judge Melody J. Stewart (D) running for Ohio Supreme Court, Sue Durichko (D) candidate running for Ohio State District 24 and Thomas Patton(R) candidate running for Ohio State District 24.
President of the Arab Americans of Cleveland-Young Professionals Network, Omar Kurdi stated at the event, 
“We are proud of our collaboration with CAIR-Ohio Cleveland Chapter and the Arab American Voter Project in hosting town halls that advance civic education. Last night’s event demonstrated out community’s commitment to demanding accountability from candidates and highlighted the candidates’ willingness to listen and respond. The is the moment to exercise our right to vote, voice our opinions, and champion a society grounded in accountability and justice.”
Hundreds of questions were submitted to the moderator, many of the questions included concerns about the crisis in Palestine, doxing issues, minority scholarships and incarcaree rights.
This Town Hall is the third event from the Candidates Town Hall series offered by the three organizations. The first Town Halls occurred before the March Primaries and the fourth segment will be held in October with a focus on county elections.
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. CAIR-Ohio has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
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(Cleveland, OH, 8/30/24) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations is partnered with the Arab American Voter Project (AAVP) and the Arab Americans of Cleveland Young Professionals Network (AAC) to host the first Congressional Candidates Town Hall for the Muslim and Arab communities Wednesday, August 28th.
The forum, held at La Villa Conference and Banquet Hall, provided an opportunity for congressional candidates to engage with the Muslim and Arab communities and for those communities to ask questions important to their communities of the candidates.
The event host was long-time Cleveland native and former board of trustee of the Islamic Center of Cleveland (ICC), Tristan Wheeler and the moderator was Marwa Ghumrawi, the Director of Operations and Communications at the Washington Center for Yemeni Studies and board member of AAC.
All congressional candidates across Cleveland and northern Ohio were invited to speak at the event. Candidates who did not respond or declined our invitation were Senator Brown, Congresswoman Emilia Sykes, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, Congresswoman Shontel Brown, Congressman Max Miller, Bernie Moreno (R), Kevin Coughlin (R) nor did they send a representative.
The candidates who did accept the invitation were Mathew Diemer (D) running for U.S. House District 7, Alan Rapoport (R) running for U.S. House District 11, Sean Freeman (I) running for U.S. House Ohio District 11 and Congressman Kucinich (I) running for U.S. House District 7, by proxy through former Cleveland Airport Commissioner, Khalid Bahhur.
Board Member of CAIR-Ohio, Melaak Rashid stated at the event, 
“This Town Hall series was to have the dialogue…there’s going to be frustrations, there’s going to be answers that we like and answers that we don’t like and organizations like CAIR-Cleveland, AAVP and AAC are 501c3s and are non-partisan which means it is required for them when they host events like this to invite all of the candidates regardless of party affiliation and regardless of their beliefs. The beauty in that is to be able to see and hear firsthand what their sentiments are, what they would like to do, what they don’t plan to do and the things you need to hear to inform your decision when you go to the ballot box. Regardless of the views that you liked or disliked, now you had a first glance on where these candidates stand on issues that are important to you. What we need to do is make sure that candidates know that Muslims Americans’ and Arab Americans’ voices matter and when we show up in larger numbers to events like this, they actually realize that we can make a difference on whether or not they win or lose their elections.”
Hundreds of questions were submitted to the moderator, many of the questions included concerns about the crisis in Palestine with one attendee directly asking a candidate to clarify his understanding of what is happening in Palestine.
This Town Hall is one of three events from the Candidates Town Hall series offered by the three organizations. The first Town Hall occurred before the March Primaries and the third segment will held on September 12th with a focus on local elections.
CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. CAIR-Ohio has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.
La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.
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