
(CLEVELAND, OH, 7/22/24) – The Cleveland & Northern Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Ohio) filed a Title VI Complaint against Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) today following months of alleged targeting and intimidation against students involved in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

SEE: Title VI Complaint Against Case Western Reserve University

The complaint alleges discrimination against Palestinian students, and students perceived to be Palestinian or affiliated with Palestinians, as well as Arab and Muslim students. According to the complaint, CWRU has engaged in a pattern of different treatment when it comes to Palestinian students, as well as their affiliates and allies.

In a statement, CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & North Executive Director Faten Husni Odeh said:

“This comes after many failed attempts to meet with President Kaler about the unfair treatment and targeting of the university’s Palestinian students and allies. Instead of fostering an inclusive and welcoming learning environment, the leadership of Case Western Reserve University created an openly hostile atmosphere for students standing up against brutality and genocide. Had the administration been more interested in its students rather than an oppressive and violent foreign regime, we could’ve avoided this action.”

The attorney who represents the students, Maryam Assar, stated:

“It is beyond troubling what CWRU has done here. After refusing to engage with these students, and smearing them in widespread campus emails, not only has CWRU failed to account for their safety, well-being, and learning environment, but it has in fact deliberately acted against them. CWRU has consistently and repeatedly intimidated, silenced, and punished these students, solely because they are Palestinian or affiliated with Palestinians, and speak to what they believe is justice.”

In 2022, the Undergraduate Student Government voted in favor of a resolution which encouraged the university to investigate how its funds are invested in Israeli companies, the Case Western Reserve Observer reported. Since the fall of 2023, students have reported to CAIR-Ohio increased push-back and hostilities from the university including banning them from campus, prohibiting them from attending their own graduations and withholding some law degrees.

Law student and Legal Assistant, Shatha Shahin, stated:

“The “Palestine Problem” has been falsely reduced to a problem of dialogue, but CWRU does not want dialogue with these students; it only wants their capitulation to one viewpoint favored by their donors. Make no mistake that this environment of hostility, and intimidation towards Palestinian students and their allies along with the gross misuse of the student conduct policy will forever be a black mark on CWRU’s history. Only when Palestine is freed from occupation, and it will be, will the university recognize the waste of time and money to protect a minor percentage of its endowment.”

CAIR-Ohio and Palestine Legal have been working with the students to navigate this injustice.

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. CAIR-Ohio’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. CAIR-Ohio has offices in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland.

La misión de CAIR es proteger las libertades civiles, mejorar la comprensión del Islam, promover la justicia, y empoderar a los musulmanes en los Estados Unidos.


CONTACT: CAIR-Ohio, Cleveland & North Executive Director Faten Odeh, fodeh@cair.com, 216-440-2247; Attorney Maryam Assar, maryam.assar10@gmail.com, 216-501-2415

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