Our CAIR-Ohio team continues to serve the community through these difficult times, whether it is discrimination cases, advocacy issues, or educational and interfaith outreach, we are here to help. We have three offices in Ohio: Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati to help serve our community throughout the state.
In Cleveland, we are actively working toward our next stage of growth. We have expanded our physical office and we are hiring additional staff members to serve our community. But we need your help. YOU can make a difference! We are counting on your support. YOU make our work possible!
With God's help and your support, we can show strength and results even in these challenging times.
Your donations will directly sustain our civil rights advocacy, vital educational programs, community service activities, and our media and interfaith work. Your donations also support programs such as Muslim Day at the Capitol, our Legislative Days in DC, our Empowerment Program for Incarcerated Communities (EPIC), and Teatime for Peace.
All donations are tax-deductible and zakat eligible. Our federal tax ID number is 31-1602287.
Talk to your employer about matching your donation.