June 23rd, 2017 | cairclev

1) You have the right to inform others about your religion. You have the right to pass out literature or speak to others about Islam, as long as it is not done in a disruptive manner.

2) You have the right to organize student-led prayer on campus, as long as the service is not disruptive.

3) You may have the right to attend Friday prayer. The Supreme Court has upheld the right of states to allow students “release time” to attend religious classes or services.

4) You have the right to be excused from school for religious holidays. You should inform the school that you will be absent.

5) You have the right to be excused from class discussions or activities that you find religiously objectionable. Check with CAIR.

6) You have the right to form an extracurricular Muslim student group.

7) You have the right to wear religious clothing. You also have the right to wear clothing with a religious message, as long as other clothes with messages are allowed.

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